Candlelighters Fun Walk-2021

Pirates of the Cure a Being

Ahoy, me crew of ruthless ruffians!

It’s time to row ashore and join the landlubbers in search of treasure.

All of the doubloons will go to Candlelighters to help the wee lads and lassies in their ferocious battle to vanquish their fearsome childhood cancers.


If you would like to contribute pieces of eight, click the green “Donate Now” button.

 Here are some of the ways that the money is put to use:

• $13 - provides a family parking for a day at the clinic receiving chemo 

• $25 - provides a meal pass for families in the hospital 

• $50 - provides a gas card for families driving into the med center day after day

• $100 - provides groceries for a family in need 

• $250 - sends a kiddo to our weekend sleepaway camp, Camp CLIFF! 

• $500 - provides funeral assistance for an angel

If you want to polish your peg leg and join our assault ashore, click the “Join Team” button.

This year's walk can be in person or a virtual one. So either join us or grab yer peg leg and walk where ye are on September 11!

Thanks for your help.

We wish you fair winds and a following sea.

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